Toni Movie from Team 4 Pes on Vimeo.
for term 4 We had to make a Movie for of new Zealand native animals.
we draw their habitat and adapt to living. I choose a lepard because I like it the lepard it drinking water. I hope you enjoy my movie
Start Writing Here: In the weekend I went to the park I play with Siokita and Lanzie we play rugby with my sister I saw in Siokita team and Lanzie was in my sister team. Siokita Socer a try. Lanzie team won when I went home I eat chicken and Chips
Toni . I went to a trip Museum then we went in 1 group and my the
Chocolate game at class with my friend . Mr s first day back
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- 3rd para title
Start writing here:
Today we had the chocolate game. It was Mr S was had back we had to sit into a circle. The rules is you're not allowed to pick up the fork and eat the chocolate you have to scoop with the fork and take out the chocolate and eat it. I was the first to roll the rice.